Keynote | Sachin Jain, MD, MBA

Saturday February 27th, 10:05 AM - 10:55 AM CT


Sachin H. Jain, MD, MBA is President and CEO of SCAN Group and Health Plan, where he is charged with leading the organization’s growth, diversification, and emerging efforts to reduce healthcare disparities. SCAN’s revenues top $3.4B and the organization serves 220,000 patients.

Previously, Dr. Jain was President and CEO of CareMore and Aspire Health, innovative care delivery systems with > $1.6B in revenues serving 200,000 Medicare and Medicaid patients and 2500 associates in 32 states. He pioneered the first clinical program in the world focused on social isolation. Dr. Jain is also an adjunct professor of medicine at the Stanford University School of Medicine and a contributor at Forbes.

Dr. Jain is a respected thought leader in health care delivery. He is regularly recognized as a “Top 50 Most Influential Clinical Leader” and “100 Most Influential People in US Healthcare” by Modern Healthcare. In 2018, LinkedIn named him its top voice (#1) for healthcare.

Dr. Jain graduated magna cum laude from Harvard College with a BA in government and continued on to earn his MD from Harvard Medical School and MBA from Harvard Business School.



Moderated by Professor Amanda Starc

Amanda Starc, Ph.D., is an Associate Professor of Strategy at the Kellogg School of Management and a Faculty Research Fellow at the National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER). She received her BA in Economics from Case Western Reserve University, and her PhD in Business Economics from Harvard University. Dr. Starc’s research interests include industrial organization and health economics. Her research examines the Medicare Advantage, Medicare Part D, and Medicare Supplement (“Medigap”) markets, as well as consumer behavior in insurance exchanges. Recent work measures the effectiveness of direct-to-consumer advertising of pharmaceuticals. Her work links models of consumer choice and supply side incentives, and uses a range of econometric techniques to analyze data.